Air Tanzania to Lure Indian Tourists with Direct Flights Starting This November

This November Air Tanzania could resume its services to the south Asian country India. In the 1990s it had direct flights to India but later commercial reasons were cited and services were stopped. Similarly Air India had direct flights to African country then and the reasons for stopping were the same.

According to Tanzania Tourist Board Managing Director Devota Mdachi Indians have offered them good support and interest, and more tourists from India is expected to the country. Initially the flights will be operate from India’s commercial capital Mumbai to Dar es Salaam with a Boeing 787 aircraft.

The Tanzania Tourist Board hosted Monday a road show in India showing their cultural richness and reveal insights about some of the most popular tourist destinations in Tanzania.

New Delhi-based Bird Group will be working as the official general sales agent for Air Tanzania.

Zanzibar Tourism Promotion Centre (Mumbai) Jilesh Babla confirmed the airlines have received operational permission into India from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). He was talking to media on the sidelines of the first convention of the Global Tourism Council that began in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday.

Babla added the direct flights of Air Tanzania and Air India were stopped due to some commercial reasons, but lately it is seen big tourism potential lies for their tourists into India.

Zanzibar Tourism Promotion Centre also promotes Tanzanian tourism.

Tanzania is one of the best tourist destinations in Africa following 2014s and 2015s title as the “the best safari country in Africa.”