Three heart patient babies who were flown to India for surgery returned yesterday after successful treatment.
Regency Medical Centre Chairman, Dr Rajni Kanabar
A statement by the Convenor of the Heart Surgery Project, Lion Dr Rajni Kanabar and Lions President Ms Nureen Nathoo said the patients are doing “very well.”
The patients with their escorts were received by Lions members at Julius Nyerere International Airport Lions by former Lions chairman, Shiraz Rashid and Lions President Nureen Nathoo.
“Three Children who left Dar es Salaam for heart surgery to CIMS Hospital in India last month for open heart surgery with three escorts have returned after successful Heart Surgery,” said Dr Kanabar.
The patients were treated at CIMS Hospital in Ahemedabad, India. The Group was offered subsidized heart surgery under the banner of Lions Club of Dar-Es-Salaam (Host) in collaboration with Regency Medical Centre and Ministry of Health Zanzibar.
Convenor of Heart Surgery Project Lion, Dr Rajni Kanabar and Co- Convenor Mr Shiraz Rashid Said “Lions Club will be sending another group of 15 heart patients with their escorts to India soon.