Bizarre career website campaign’s posters make it look as if the public are walking into someone’s bottom

A German job agency has devised an unusual advertisement campaign to encourage people to switch jobs – by depicting humans as doing the works of ATMs and vending machines.

The German job agency hopes to attract people a bit bummed out about their jobs

Using the slogan ‘Life’s too short for the wrong job’, the posters show what ‘really’ goes on inside a number of everyday machines from washers to jukeboxes.

One particularly bizarre poster shows a man’s naked behind with the grammatically incorrect tagline ‘There are better ways to make career’ with a crowd directed to walk through a strategically placed hole in the poster.

The campaign is designed to encourage people to leave jobs they are unhappy about

Another poster shows a multi-instrument musician squeezed into a jukebox, patiently waiting for a woman to make her choice of song.

A third ad depicts a woman sweating to hand-wash a young man’s clothes inside the cramped ‘back-room’ of a washing machine at a launderette.

A musician in cramped conditions is waiting for a woman to choose her song on a jukebox

In one a toy truck is given the x-ray treatment, revealing that it is being pedalled by a man, battered and bruised by his monotonous job.

The campaign, created by agency Scholz & Friends Berlin, have been running since 2005 and have won multiple awards over the years.

The man ‘working’ from inside a cigarette machine gives woman purchasing a packet of fags a scathing look as he rolls away

Its aim is to challenge workers unhappy in the workplace to look for a new career.

The billboards and posters were placed to target commuters on their way to work, making them question their choice of occupation, the agency said in 2005.


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