Cellulite needs no introduction. It is the bane of 80 percent of women around the world. As such, many facts and theories pertaining to the formation and cure of those thigh dimples has been greatly distorted, exaggerated and to a certain extent, unethically manipulated by the cosmetic industry for the purpose of selling cellulite treatment products.
Here are some widespread cellulite myths that have either been debunked or still inconclusive.
Only Overweight People have Cellulite
The girth of the thighs and buttocks has nothing to do with the presence of cellulite. Ideal weight women with unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits suffer from cellulite as well. On the other hand, a lot of female athletes have large muscular thighs that are cellulite-free.
Female bodybuilding competitor, Karen Sessions says, “It has nothing to do with weight, size, or skin tone and skin structure, but everything to do with toxins and fat. Cellulite is not a disease and it’s not genetic, it’s a condition developed by an unhealthy lifestyle, a lifestyle that can be changed!”
Drinking Lots of Water Can Worsen Cellulite
The general recommendation of drinking eight glasses per day for overall health maintenance still stands. Since one of the causes of cellulite is said to be excess toxins trapped along with fat cells, plenty of fluid intakes actually keep the body properly hydrated and help flush away toxins.
Diet and Exercise has No Effect on Cellulite Reduction
SkinHelp, a UK-based website formed as a reference source for skin problem treatments with features written by experts in the medical field, reported that Caucasian women are more prone to cellulite than Asian women. This may be due to the general Asian diet being lower in fat and less acidic, whereas Westerners consume more processed food.
Moreover, studies and observations have consistently shown that women with leaner body composition as a result of physical activity have little or no cellulite. This is most evident on sporting events like the Olympics, physique competitions and TV programs like Gladiator, which feature elite female athletes.
Female Hormones is one of the Causes of Cellulite
Microscopic anatomical studies have proven that the structure of fat storage underneath the skin is different for men and women. Men have thicker epidermis and dermis around the thighs and buttock area. Also, fat cells in the male body are assembled into polygonal units separated by crisscrossing connective tissues, while the similar tissues in the female body are perpendicular.
Some experts suggested that hormonal changes during puberty have an effect on skin structure and fat storage. This might be the explanation as to why pre-pubescent girls show no sign of cellulite; however, this hypothesis still lacks solid evidence that either substantiates or refutes it.