Disabled Are More At Risk Of Attacks In CAR Amid Violence: Report

People with disabilities in Central African Republic are forgotten people amid forgotten crisis. They are lately at high risk during communal violence that kicked off some four years ago, displacing over 500,000 people.

In past few days about 100 people were killed in fresh attacks in the town of Bria.

A researcher with Human Rights Watch, Lewis Mudge, said the disabled are currently facing neglect in the country in an ongoing humanitarian crisis.

The deadly violence started in 2013 after Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in Bangui, the capital city of CAR. Anti-Balaka militants, comprising of mostly Christian, revolted back and this led to the killing of thousands of innocent people. Hundreds of thousands were also displaced.

It is yet to be known how many of the displaced people are disable and it is learned the camps are not conductive for them like they are facing problem in getting distributed food and using showers as well as toilets have become challenging.

One of the reports earlier revealed a disabled man was killed in the violence of November 2014 while crawling away from attacking Seleka fighters in Bolo.

In the same month when anti-Balaka fighters attacked Ngbima village they killed a woman having a bad foot. She was unable to move quickly and hence was burned alive inside her house.

Mudge added those who are disabled in CAR are not getting protection and assistance that they are in need of desperately.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Watch has called the agencies to monitor and report related abuses.