EU project to protect children

The government has launched a project aimed at strengthening measures for detecting and responding to issues of violence against children in homes, schools and communities in the country.

UNICEF Country Representative, Dr Jama Gulaid (right)and Head of the European Union Delegation to Tanzania, Mr Eric Beaume, launch a joint initiative to stop violence against children in the country at a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday. Centre is the Minister for Health and Social Welfare Dr Seif Rashid.

The community initiative funded by the European Union (EU) was launched in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday by the Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Seif Rashid.

Speaking during the launching ceremony, Dr Rashid said that violence against children is a serious problem in the country that needs resources to prevent and respond to aggressions.

“When looking at the rates of violence evidenced here in Tanzania, and if no action is taken, these results in serious social and economic costs for the country due to lost potential,” he said adding that the rates are unacceptably high and the resources to prevent and respond to the cases are limited.

Commenting on the initiative, Dr Rashid said the project will help in raising awareness, imparting knowledge, attitude and behaviour change on violence against children, and harmful traditions.

Other objectives of the project according to the Minister include, creating access to quality, child protection complaints, counselling services among Police Gender Desks and Judiciary.

The initiative also aims at setting up child protection mechanism and capacity building in schools to create safe learning environment.

“The project will also help in strengthening capacities for District Social Welfare officers, referrals of child protection cases,” he added.

Giving a vote of thanks on behalf of the government to EU, Dr Rashid called on EU and other development partners to work together in supporting the government deliver on the commitments to protect children in the country.

Dr Rashid said that the three-year project will be implemented in three districts namely Shinyanga, Kahama and North A Unguja in Zanzibar.

The project will be put into operation by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children International (SCI) and Plan International (PLAN) and EU.

On the other hand, the EU Head of Cooperation to Tanzania, Mr Eric Beaume said the project will support comprehensive and integrated services to curb violence against children. EU contributed 4bn/- to support the project.

The Country Director of Save the Children, Mr Steve Thorne called for strengthening of protection systems that are integrated and child centred.

By ANNE ROBI, Tanzania Daily News

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