Fuel shortage in Gulu has affected transport and other businesses. The most affected are hired motorcycles (boda-bodas).
Various fuel stations in Gulu municipality have in the recent past received small quantities of fuel than what they usually get.
Shell Gulu manager, Michael Ocitti, said the current fuel shortage is due to less import of fuel via Mombasa.
He said Shell receives less than 20, 000 liters twice a week and takes only less than a day to get consumed.
Bosco Okello, a boda-boda cyclist operating in Gulu town said the petrol shortage had affected business.
The chairman of Gulu boda-boda association, Kenneth Ojok Kadogo said the petrol crisis had greatly retarded the boda transport businesses of over 16, 000 registered boda boda operators in Gulu.
By Dennis Ojwee, The New Vision