No man likes to be told that he is getting old – but successful aging is something that men should prepare for, from both a physical and a mental point of view. It is important to plan for retirement – perhaps even to gradually wind down rather than abruptly stop working – so that one can prepare for the time that one no longer has a regular job and has time on one’s hand. Making appropriate changes to one’s lifestyle and health care is essential.
Investing in Health
While most men understand the importance of making financial investments in preparation for the day when they will have to give up their steady job, few realize that investing in their health is as important as investing in shares and property.
A man who spends money in the prime of life on a gym membership (and making sure this membership is utilized!) can help in preventing those chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease that diminish his chances of working longer and/or enjoying his years of retirement. Spending money on consulting a physician and having a regular check-up – rather than proudly boasting “I never need to see the doctor” – is a wise move – because many diseases when they are in the treatable stages do not cause obvious symptoms. If detected early, many of these conditions – like pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, prostate cancer etc – be cured or managed effectively so that they do not kill or maim a man in the prime of his life.
As a man gets older both his physical and mental capability slow down – so it is important that he continues to exercise both his body and mind regularly. If you don’t use them you will surely lose them!
Physical Exercise
Physical exercise – whether walking, swimming, cycling, ballroom dancing or some similar form of aerobic activity – is vital in maintaining a man’s physical fitness. It is equally important to undertake regular resistive exercises (push ups, squats, lifting weights etc.) to keep the muscles strong and in good tone – because human muscles tend to get smaller and weaker with the gradual fall in male hormone levels that naturally takes place as a man ages.
As important as keeping the muscles and joints exercised is mental exercise – keeping the brain challenged and active.
Mental Exercise
Whether one does crossword puzzles or Sudoku – or participates in mind- exercising activities like Bridge or Scrabble – or undertakes intellectually stimulating courses through an organization like the University of the Third Age – it does not matter as long as the brain cells are kept active.