There are many different feels that golfers use to start the golf swing. While most know the swing should start with a one-piece takeaway there has to be one particular muscle group that starts off the chain reaction. Some like to concentrate on hand action, rehearsed in a waggle, to start the backswing. Others feel the backswing starts with a hip turn, while many like to feel the left arm initiates the takeaway to help retain swing width. But if a golfer has tried these and still find they hit the ball inconsistently, try starting the takeaway with the right shoulder.
Start the Swing with Right Shoulder Turn Takeaway
If any muscle group moves perfectly in the takeaway it has an effect on all the other muscles that are involved in swinging the club into plane. The right shoulder contains arguably the most powerful set of muscles that could help start the swing and concentrating on them can override mistakes that the smaller fast twitch muscles might make. Concentrating on turning the right shoulder away from the ball helps stop excess hand action, which is one of the most common backswing faults.
Correct Shoulder Turn Creates a Perfect Swing Chain Reaction
- All parts of the body are interlinked and a good shoulder turn sets up the correct chain reaction
- Starting the swing correctly with the right shoulder makes the hips turn, which pull the legs into a powerful dynamic position.
- The body turn pulls the arms, hands, and club away from the ball in a sweeping action, which creates momentum and a swinging sensation.
- With the club swinging back at a natural smooth speed half way back centrifugal force to kicks in, which makes the wrists hinge the club onto the perfect backswing plane.
- The extra momentum injected into the backswing by the wrist cock helps pull the golfers arms to the top of the backswing.
- From the correct top of the backswing position there is no need to make any complicated adjustments to the downswing plane during the transition and the arms will naturally drive down on the right inside path.
- Rather than the right shoulder coming round or over the top, which happens on the downswing of many golfers who slice, the right shoulder should feel as though it is moving underneath, which sets up an inside path to hit a draw.
- With the club on the right path coming into the ball the hands will naturally release the club with maximum power accuracy and club head speed.
- The momentum of the club whipping through impact pulls the golfer into the correct finish position.