The minister of state for disaster preparedness Musa Ecweru has warned of a possible cholera outbreak in some parts of Kasese district which were affected by the floods.
People scrumbling for water from the police water tanker. PHOTO: Wilson Asiimwe
Ecweru who visited the affected areas of Bulembia division in Kasese municipality and Karusandara sub county in Busongora south on Friday said that leaders in Kasese district should ensure that people should get safe and clean water for the people who were affected by the floods.
He said government will ensure that people get relief and also called on non-government organizations to support the victims of the floods.
“I am scared. If the situation here is not controlled it may result into the outbreak of cholera because people don’t have safe water for drinking and they are only depending on river Nyamwamba. The whole water system has broken down,” Ecweru warned.
He noted that the magnitude of the problem can not only be solved by the district local leaders but it needs collaborative efforts to come up with a lasting solution to the problem.
By Wilson Asiimwe, The New Vision