In a bid to increase transparency in governance, plans are underway to establish Information Communication Technology (ICT) centres in every village.Chief Secretary, Ambassador Ombeni Sefue, said this on Friday in Dar es Salaam during his visit to the e-Government agency offices.
Chief Secretary, Ambassador Ombeni Sefue
He said it is important that priority is given to rural areas so as to harness knowledge for development.”There is no way that we can avoid using ICT as it develops daily and is used worldwide by various governments,” he said.
Generally speaking e-Government is the use of ICT to enhance the delivery of Government services in terms of improving service quality, broadening service availability and innovating new types of services.
Ambassador Sefue said that creating an interactive government is one of the benefits of ICT and that will assist in social services delivery.
According to Ambassador Sefue, Tanzania has joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a global initiative that aims at promoting transparency, empowering citizens, fighting corruption and encouraging the use of new technologies to improve governance.
He further added that one of the major benefits of OGP is to make governments more responsible and accountable to their citizens, something which will strengthen good governance across all sectors.
Chief Executive Officer of e-Government in the country, Dr Jabiri Bakari said that in order to make sure an interactive government is established, a new government portal has been introduced to provide information to communities.
“Through this portal, users will be able to access information on various important matters including law, health, economics and agriculture,” he said
He added: “Currently we are soliciting comments and opinions from various stakeholders about the portal concerning what should be included and omitted so as to improve it.”
Expounding further, he said that there is a need for creativity so that ordinary people especially those in remote areas are able to use their mobile phones to access vital information.
Dr Bakari said that currently there are greater changes ICT and people’s mind sets have transformed. The general public is encouraged to participate in the changes.
Through e-governance, government institutions will take advantage of ICT for managerial and administrative purposes, thereby improving service delivery to the public.
By HILDA MHAGAMA, Tanzania Daily News