Inadequate funds fail East African railways sector

Insufficient funds to support railways sector is to blame for the disconnection of the bulk means of transport between countries in East Africa, it has been revealed.

To address that shortfall, a summit will be held next month to discuss among other issues pertaining Railway transportation in the region particurally thinking on areas of investments that can effectively uplift the economy of the region through improvement of the railways inftrastructure.

A statement released in Dar es Salaam, said the summit to be attended by about 100 participants, will also deliberate on crucial materials the sector needs like major renovation to keep up with the economic growth and particularly the current integrations.

“So the event looks on Challenges faced by service providers, Railway transportation improvement, ways to overcome the challenges, East African Railway Master Plan,” said Chief Executive Officer, Mr Theonas Aswile of Tanzania Mwandi, organisers of the summit.

The summit is expected to be held in Kigoma region from June 29 to July 2, with the motto ‘Meet your Business Partner in 2013/2014 East Africa Railway Summit- Tanzania’.

By HILDA MHAGAMA, Tanzania Daily News

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