The rate of crime recorded in Kagera Region increased slightly whereby a total of 346 people were killed last year compared to 301 people who were killed in 2012, the Kagera Regional Police Commander (RPC), Mr George Mayunga, has said.
Mr Mayunga told reporters that incidents of robbery with violence increased from 418 during 2012 to 441 in 2013. However, he said incidents of armed robbery in the region dropped slightly from 30 in 2012 to 26 last year.
According to Mr Mayunga, road accidents recorded last year were 149 compared to 190 accidents in 2012. He elaborated that a total of 163 people were killed in road accidents during 2012 while 150 died last year.
Meanwhile, Mr Mayunga has challenged reporters of various media outlets to write news and feature articles on environmental crime, saying not much has been covered. “Most of you (reporters) have not written much on environmental crime.
The evil includes illegal trade in ivory by poaching elephants and rhinos, rampant tree felling, smoking in public places and buses, and environmental filth in towns and cities.
Mr Mayunga also appealed to reporters and residents in the region to cooperate by reporting gender-based violence (GBV) by utilizing the Police Gender Unit.
He cautioned people to avoid taking the law into their own hands, calling on them to report suspects to nearby police stations for necessary action.
The regional police chief said police had started identifying people who possess firearms legally by marking the firearms.
By MEDDY MULISA, Tanzania Daily News