A third tremor, and the largest yet, has hit Kampala at 01.22 hrs this morning, setting the TL’s of the social media among Kampaleans alight even at this hour.
One tremor yesterday reached 5.2 on the open ended Richter Scale – the other one was minor – and was located in the Albertine Rift, the epicentre pinpointed to some 20 km below the surface under Lake Albert.
The region, rich in oil, has been the focus of much of Uganda’s oil exploration but with the most recent quake clearly larger than the 5.2 one of yesterday, questions are already being asked on the preparations of the exploration companies in case a major quake would strike the region and what impact it would have on their equipment and installations.
Earthquake Watch has since confirmed that the latest quake, originating in the same area, reached 5.7 on the Richter Scale and reports are now trickling in of some damage, the extent to be confirmed at daylight no doubt which is 5 hours away as this report is uploaded. Watch this space.