JAZZ lovers are in for a treat tomorrow as Karoline Ceasar, a Germany based saxophonist performs at Jazz and Blues concert at the Manor hotel in Nyarutarama.
Moutcho band. Net photo.
Ceasar will perform alongside Moutcho band from Burundi and Rwanda-based Burundian songstress Alida Baranzigiye among other artistes.
Baranzigiye said the concert is a must experience for jazz and blues music fanatics.
“The event is targeting old people because most of the concerts organised in Rwanda are mainly for the youth. This is an opportunity for our parents to come out and have fun,” said Baranzigiye.
She assured music lovers to expect the event to be historical in every sense of the word and especially in the entertaining performances.
Moutcho band comprises three Burundian artistes Yvan Kwizera (Bass), Amadi Nkurikiye (drums) and Arnaud Nganji (guitar).
The event starts at 7pm. Entrance fee to the concert is Rwf5000.
By Sarah Kwihangana,The New Times