Kenya Airways has over the weekend completed shifting their regional flight handling to Unit 3, the former domestic unit which was transformed into an international arrival unit following the fire a month ago which in part destroyed the international arrival hall and adjoining facilities.
Effective therefore immediately will ALL flights from Nairobi to Entebbe, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Kilimanjaro, Mwanza, Kigali, Bujumbura, Addis Ababa and Juba leave from Unit 3 and passengers booked on any of these flights have to present themselves for check in there. This change applies to Precision Air flights too.
All other international flights continue to be handled in Unit 2 while all domestic services will for the foreseeable future be processed at the Cargo Terminal.
International arrivals for Kenya Airways and her partner airlines under the Sky Team alliance will remain in the tented temporary facilities for the time being, but as and when this changes be sure you watch this space to get timely updates.