Kenya: Treasury in plan to revert county cash to State

There are plans by Treasury to re-allocate money set aside for roads and electricity in counties to the national government, it has emerged.

Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge

Top Treasury officials who appeared before a parliamentary committee said funds allocated to counties for the Kenya Urban Roads Authority (Kura), Kenya Rural Roads Authority (Kerra), and Rural Electrification Authority (Rea), should revert back to the national government.

The officials argued that the counties do not have the necessary capacity to handle the three dockets.

Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge, who appeared before a joint committee of Budget, Transport and Energy, said just like that the payroll was being handled by the national government, the same should be the case for Kerra, Kura and Rea.

No capacity

Thugge pointed out that governors had already accepted that counties have no capacity to handle the three. He explained that a technical committee had been formed to assess the amount to be reallocated and would be responding today.

Energy Principal Secretary Eddy Njoroge said that although they acknowledge that devolution is necessary, counties had no capacity to implement projects under the three State agencies.

Njoroge said that the country will not be able to implement the laptop projects and electrify all schools if counties are given such huge responsibilities.

“We acknowledge devolution is necessary but counties have no capacity or structures to implement the projects under Rea,” he stated.

He pointed out that the success of the laptop project was pegged on the supply of electricity to primary schools.

By Allan Kisia, The Standard

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