Lack of interpreter stalls hearing of 970m/- oil theft case

Lack of an interpreter has halted hearing of a case at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in which eight people are charged with theft of fuel oils worth over 970m/-, property of Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL).

Kisutu Resident Magistrates’ Court

State Attorney Aida Kisumo, for the prosecution, told Senior Resident Magistrate Hellen Riwa on Monday that the witness who was lined up to give evidence in the trial did not understand Kiswahili, hence there was need to have a person who was able to interpret his testimony.

She said the prosecution had written to National Kiswahili Council (BAKITA) since December 16, last year, seeking their assistance to get an interpreter, but the prosecution was yet to get any response from them.

“For that matter, we pray for adjournment of the hearing while waiting for the BAKITA response,” the prosecutor asked presiding Senior Resident Magistrate Emilius Mchauru. The magistrate granted the request and adjourned the hearing to February 24.

In the trial, the accused persons are Simon Theonald, Ally Maulid, Mussa Rajab, Kessy Charles, Alan Mtweve, Peter Ngongolo, Frank Mpepo and Idd Yusuph. They are facing two counts, including that of conspiring to commit an offence at an unknown time and place in Kinondoni District.

The prosecution alleges that between December 1 and 2, 2011 in Tegeta area in Kinondoni District in the city, the accused persons stole 628,000 litres of fuel oils valued at 970,636,800/-, property of IPTL.

IPTL is a power generator. It was previously being managed by two shareholders, Mechmar Corporation (Malaysia) Berhard that held 70 per cent shares and a Tanzanian firm, VIP Engineering and Marketing Limited, which had a 30 per cent stake.

Already Pan Africa Power Solutions Tanzania Limited (PAP) has taken over the operations of IPTL and has promised to expand the power plant from the current 100MW to about 500MW and to charge to Tanesco a lowest tariff of between six and eight US cents per unit.

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