Libya: meeting between SG Valensise and Minister Ali’ Zidan – Press Release

ROME, Italy, October 3, 2013 – The political stabilisation of Libya and its security were the focus of secretary general Michele Valensise’s meeting in Tripoli today with Libyan prime minister Ali’ Zidan, foreign minister Mohammed Abdel Aziz and other political exponents. Ambassador Valensise confirmed Italy’s support at the delicate stage, and reiterated the Italian government’s willingness to launch the military training programme agreed on during the Lough Erne G8 summit in June.

Libyan prime minister Ali’ Zidan

Italy’s prominent role in Libya’s stabilisation was underscored by both Zidan and Abdel Aziz, not least in view of the international conference on Libya that Italy will be hosting in the coming months. The Libyan leaders expressed great appreciation for the intensity of high-level relations with Italy, and for bilateral economic relations that are fed by the presence and dynamism of Italian firms in Libya.

“We confirmed Italy’s commitment to facilitating the Libyan authorities’ endeavour to build stable institutions; there are great expectations of the assistance that Italy offer Libya, on the basis of our long-standing friendship”, Valensise stated at the end of his visit.

“Libyan political forces must tackle fundamental questions concerning security, counter-terrorism, political dialogue, illegal immigration and the protection of energy resources, and Italy”, the SG concluded, “will continue to collaborate with Libya in order to make this stage of its transition smoother. For us Libya is a strategic partner when it comes to security and development in the Mediterranean”.

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