Lindsay Lohan Loses Part of Fur Coat at a Club

The ‘Mean Girls’ actress reportedly has lost a part of her two-piece fur after she partied with her friends at New York’s 1Oak club.

Lindsay Lohan apparently has lost an expensive fur piece. The “Mean Girls” star reportedly was at 1Oak in New York on Wednesday, January 29 when the incident happened. According to TMZ, she entered the establishment wearing a two-piece coat which is worth about $75,000.

When Lohan left the place, she only wore a piece of the coat. She then went back to collect the other piece, but she could not find it anywhere. Lohan reportedly asked everyone on her table to check whether they knew where it was or if the fur was with them. The report also alleges that the only person who could not be reached was a Seattle Seahawk player who was also at the table.

The star of “The Canyons” ironically took another person’s mink coat at the same club in 2008. The coat’s owner, Maria Markova, said Lohan kept her coat for two weeks and then decided to sue the star. Markova additionally said that she saw Lohan wearing the coat in a magazine photo shoot. The coat was then sent back to Markova without explanation.

Lohan will next be seen on a documentary series which will start airing on Sunday, March 9 at 10 P.M. on OWN. The docu-series chronicles Lohan’s days since her release from a rehab stint.


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