Main One provides forum to expand partnerships among West African telecom operators

CEO of Main One reiterated the significance of reliable and affordable connectivity in the development of the sub-region

CEO of Main One Funke Opeke

LAGOS, Nigeria, April 22, 2013/ Main One, West Africa’s leading communications services company last week joined Africa’s top telecoms carriers and executives to discuss the future of the West African wholesale telecoms market, and proffer solutions for enhanced and more effective broadband penetration across the continent.

Speaking at the inaugural West Africa Connect 2013 which was sponsored by the company and which held in Dakar Senegal from April 16 to 17, the CEO of Main One, Ms. Funke Opeke reiterated the significance of reliable and affordable connectivity in the development of the sub-region. Speaking at the keynote panel discussion on the theme: Evaluating Key Developments, Innovation and Growth Opportunities in The West African Wholesale Markets, Ms. Opeke championed the role of improved access to broadband on economic activities, improved educational delivery, government services and overall economic development.

During her presentation, she shed light on the growth opportunities that existed in the region for in wholesale broadband, identifying the increase in Internet penetration and content-rich broadband applications. “The development of fiber infrastructure by existing and new ISPs, the rise of wireless technologies and the emerging migration towards user-created content and social networking will continue to drive broadband penetration on the continent”.

Key discussions and debates on major issues such as investment to drive telecommunications growth in West Africa, and best practices in regulation were also centre-stage issues at the summit.

The conference was particularly useful to participants as it focused specifically on the challenges and opportunities unique to the West African wholesale market in a targeted and comprehensive format including a diverse selection of decision makers from West African and international wholesale markets.

As launch partner with Capacity Media as organizers, Main One is continuing to contribute to accelerating the growth of broadband across the West African region, thus aiding economic development.

Main One has launched West Africa into the global Internet arena in recent years with the launch of its private submarine cable in 2010. The company currently provides services directly and through partners in six countries in West Africa and is looking to further expand its reach across the region.

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