She might be a millionaire, but that doesn’t stop Susan Boyle from wanting to make a bit of extra cash on the side.
The 52-year-old singer is reported to have applied for a minimum wage, £6-an-hour cashier’s job after spotting a job advert in the window of her local bookmakers, Ladbrokes, in Blackburn, west Lothian (right). Upon reading the advert on Thursday afternoon, Susan entered the premises and spent around five minutes talking to the shop’s deputy manager David Corr, 28, about the role.
The 52-year-old Britain’s Got Talent winner might be worth an estimate £20million, but according to the staff in the Scottish branch of the bookies, she is on the lookout for a job.
Susan, who has become a world-famous recording artist since her BGT win, read the advert for the cashier position on Thursday afternoon and entered Ladbrokes in Blackburn, Lothian to apply for the role.
Deputy manager David Corr spoke to the singer and later described the shock of staff at seeing Boyle in the shop.
He told The Sun on Sunday: ‘Susan Boyle walked into the shop and inquired about the job advertised in our window. We were all in shock.’
Susan was reportedly told that she would have to apply for the role online.
One resident in the town told The Sun: ‘She explained she was really keen on working there and she lives nearby.
‘Obviously she doesn’t need the money so I think she saw it as a way of getting her out of her house and taking her mind off things.’
A spokesperson for Ladbrokes told MailOnline: ‘Susan came in to the shop and asked about the part time position. She had previously applied for a job with us before she was famous.
‘There must be something in the Britain’s Got Talent water as [BGT judge] Alesha Dixon worked for Ladbrokes before finding fame!’