Ministries to completely shift to Dodoma by June

Shifting of ministries from Dar es Salaam to capital city Dodoma is in rapid process and it is expected the move to Ihumwa area is to be done by June this year.

According to government spokesperson Dr Hassan Abbasi about 700 staff, 86 percent of the total, have been already shifted to Dodoma.

Ihumwa is government’s township and Abbasi added the shifting process is ongoing and by June all the ministries would be moved to the area.

He further said the shifting of government’s base is not a dream anymore and President John Magufuli too may be moving to the capital city any time from now.

The idea of shifting ministries to capital city Dodoma was of Tanzania’s First President Julius Nyerere, but implementation remained in papers since then. In 2015 President Magufuli pledged to move the government to new township.

In 1974 the country declared Dodoma as national capital but despite the declaration Dar es Salaam remained as administrative place and it became the most prominent city in Tanzania too.

Apart from the shifting confirmation Dr Abbasi clarified on budget issues as lawmakers have lately claimed the allocations for 2018-19 had not been balanced and it could affect institutions in implementing development projects.

He said the Treasury consists of experts who understands better where and how much to allocate the funds.

He added, “So, the government can’t wait until the second half of the financial year to release the endorsed budget for the institution.”