Multi-billion Newrest in-flight service starts

Entebbe Airport will never be the same.

Museveni and ambassador Aline Kuster-Menager launch the in-flight unit

The profile of Uganda’s international airport got a major boost today when President Yoweri Museveni today commissioned the Newrest Uganda In-flight services Unit.

The unit will effectively market Uganda’s airport on the global scene and build the confidence of international air transporters in the country.

The President said government is working towards expanding Entebbe International Airport to meet required standards and to upgrading the Kampala Entebbe Highway to ease transport.

“The future is in services and industries to employ more people. This already employs 300 people, once they expand, there will be more. The potential is great for European companies to invest here,” he said.

The Newrest unit is now able to provide international airlines with fresh onboard meals with its Ugandan clients including Air France, KLM, Air Uganda, Brussels Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Qatar Airways and airlines operating for the UN.

Museveni said Africa has a great potential for investments and the demand for travel, products, education, healthcare etc is growing putting the French group Newrest in the right place and time for business. He hailed the Ugandan partners for raising part of the capital to make a 50-50 partnership and said he was happy that the Uganda middle class is coming up.

“I don’t believe in Francophone or Anglophone. I believe in Africa. This is a virgin area for business. “
He thanked the French government through its ambassador to Uganda Aline Kuster-Menager for linking Ugandan partners with the Newrest group saying this is the way to go.

Newrest is the 3rd, biggest in-flight services provider in the world and the leading French company in in-flight catering. It has partnered with a local Ugandan company the Uganda in-flight services to realize the over $7.5million facility.

The President was taken around the facility which is equipped with the state of the art equipment by the general manager Francis Uthhrisque and the chairman of the board William Byaruhanga.

The French ambassador to Uganda Her Excellence Aline Kuster-Menager said it was important for the French investors to participate because this brought money directly from France to Uganda to upgrade the facility and also to buy Ugandan products. She said 80 percent of the food is bought from Uganda and that the company employees 300 people.

“This has raised the local catering industry to international standards. I want more French companies to replicate this,” she said. She also presented to the President a gift of a painting by her father to him in appreciation of his work and leadership.

The President was accompanied by his daughter Patience Museveni Rwabwogo and the Minister for Works and Transport Eng. James Byandala.

Source The New Vision

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