Nantaba land committee awaits new mandate

The committee on legal land evictions headed by State Minister for Lands Aidah Nantaba is waiting for President Yoweri Museveni to renew its mandate before resuming its activities.

Minister Aidah Nantaba has blamed government bodies for frustrating the committees work.

A source in the Ministry of Lands told New Vision that President Museveni is heading to Kayunga on Tuesday to sort out a few land wrangles and that after the trip he will give the committee a new mandate including fresh measures to rejuvenate it.

The source said the President was considering constituting a stronger committee that would legally be recognised by everyone because it will be within the limits of the law.

The mandate of Nantaba’s committee expired in June according to the notice of appointment issued by Land’s Ministry permanent Secretary Gabindadde Musoke.

At the expiry of its task, the committee members drafted a report in which they noted that lack of a clear legal framework within which to operate had affected their activities.

The report noted further that due to lack of legal backing, the justice law and legal sector institutions, like the Director of Public Prosecution and Police frustrated the committee’s activities.

There are other reports that the President is considering constituting a new committee made up of technical people probably without Nantaba but the President’s Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi said that the President still had trust in Nantaba and was likely to rejuvenate her committee than replacing it.

“When the President creates something, he gives it time to operate and evaluates it. I don’t see Nantaba’s committee dying in the near future. It is still relevant,” he said.

Before the committee’s mandate expired, Nantaba had suspended its activities citing incidents of sabotage from landlords and some government institutions.

In the meantime, the Ministry’s spokesperson Denis Obo said members of public with land disputes should take them to the magistrate courts for adjudication.

By John Semakula,The New Vision

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