Lack of efficiency in the process to approve Environmental Impact Assessment’s Certificates (EIA) is among the identified setbacks to expedited investment procedures and the process should not exceed three months, the Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office (Environment) Dr Binilith Mahenge has said.
Dr Bilinith Mahenge
Dr Mahenge made the revelation in Dar es Salaam on Friday during audience with the administration of the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC). He was accompanied by his Deputy Ms Ummy Mwalimu.
“Delay in the approval of certificates of EIA remains an issue of concern that frustrates investors who show interest to make business in the country,” he said calling on the Council to come up with a transparent system in the issuance of the certificates.
Dr Mahenge asked NEMC to ensure the certificates are issued within three months (As affirmed by the law) by publicising all the names of qualified and unqualified applicants.
According to Dr Mahenge, approval of the certificates by the council takes over three years without being worked on and thus delaying the implementations of projects by the applicants.
In line with the move, Dr Mahenge asked the Council’s consultants to ensure all the sites are examined before issuing the certificates for the particular locations.
“We experience a lot of conflicts with our investors (applicants) for investing in illegal areas and this is because you (NEMC) issue or approve certificates of go ahead without examining the sites,” he noted.
On the other hand, Dr Mahenge asked NEMC to collaborate with the municipal Councils and other stakeholders and come up with strategies that would ensure cleanliness and better management of land.
He also cautioned NEMC against working under fear of some prominent people but instead work in accordance with the law. “There is no person above the law…the only way is to work in fulfillment of the law,” he said.
The Minister said the city of Dar es Salaam should be well cleaned by ensuring all the wastes from industries, hospitals among other areas were dumped is safe areas.
He called for a long term project between NEMC and Dar es Salaam City Council that would ensure cleanliness of the city permanently.
When briefing the Minister on NEMC’s duties, the Director General (NEMC), Eng. Bonaventure Baya said lack of waste management facilities was one among the
challenges hampering better management of cleanliness in the country.
Eng Baya named other challenges as lack of enough workers, and inadequate funds apart from political unwillingness in the management of environment.
In another development, the Deputy Minister Ms Ummy Mwalimu asked NEMC to develop habits of working with the local governments and the public towards the maintenance of the environment.
By ANNE ROBI, Tanzania Daily News