Ntagazwa, co-accused have case to answer

The Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar es Salaam found former Cabinet Minister Arcado Ntagazwa and two other accused persons with a case to answer on charges of obtaining goods by false pretences.

Former Cabinet Minister Arcado Ntagazwa

Senior Resident Magistrate Geni Dudu ruled that after going through the evidence produced by five witnesses, he realised that the prosecution, led by State Attorney Charles Anindo, has established a ‘prima facie’ case against the three accused persons.

Other accused persons in the trial are Ntagazwa’s son, Webhale and one Senator Julius Miselya. All the accused were arraigned in connection with the charges of obtaining items worth 74.95m/- by false pretences on April 23, last year. Following the court’s decision, the trio will start giving their defence on August 2.

Ntagazwa, who held several ministerial posts, including Minister for Lands, Natural Resources and Tourism, said he would call two more witnesses to support his defence, including Darus Abeid from Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation and a Librarian from the National Library whose name was not disclosed.

On the other hand, Senator Miselya told the court that he would summon only one witness identified as Advocate Steven Tenya, a resident of Mbezi Beach, whereas Webhale Ntagazwa informed the magistrate that he would not call any witness to prop up his position.

The prosecution alleged that on October 22, 2009 at Msasani Mikoroshini area in Dar es Salaam, with intent to defraud, Senator Miselya, Ntagazwa and Ntagazwa Junior obtained 5,000 caps and 5,000 T-shirts worth 74.95m/- belonging to Mr Noel Severe.

It is alleged that the accused had promised to pay the owner of the said goods within one month while it was false. The accused persons pleaded not guilty and were released on bail.

During hearing of the case, one of the prosecution witnesses had told the court that the ex-minister went to hide into a bathroom when the police went to arrest him at his house at Mbezi in Dar es Salaam after being allegedly linked with the charges.

Detective Sergeant Arobogast had detailed that on February 8, last year, a team of detectives went to the house of the accused early in the morning to arrest him after escaping from the lawful police custody. “On reaching the place we knocked at the door, but the accused refused to open.

We called some leaders, including the local chairman who phoned and requested him to open the door but he responded that he was reading some newspapers,” the witness alleged. According to the witness, they remained outside for about four hours without any success before forcing their way inside.

He testified that the accused person escaped to the bathroom to avoid arrest. “He was scantily dressed, but we just arrested him,” the police officer narrated. Cross-examined by Advocate Alex Mushumbusi why they went to arrest his client while naked, the witness maintained that the law allowed them to take such steps, considering circumstances surrounding the matter.

By FAUSTINE KAPAMA, Tanzania Daily News

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