Photographer takes hilarious photos of models’ faces smashed and contorted by scotch tape

Photographer Wes Naman has released a hilarious series of photos featuring people whose faces are totally misshapen by scotch tape.

The idea for the series came to Naman while he was wrapping Christmas presents last year

The idea for the series came to Naman while he was wrapping Christmas presents last year, according to Wired magazine.

His assistant had randomly slapped a piece of tape on her face and the effect planted a see in Naman’s head, which grew into a year-long project aptly titled, ‘Scotch Tape.’

See more photos here

The tape makes every model - with their noses smashed sideways, their eyebrows raised unnaturally high, and their cheeks bulging in awkward places - look utterly unrecognizable

The tape makes every model – with their noses smashed sideways, their eyebrows raised unnaturally high, and their cheeks bulging in awkward places – look utterly unrecognizable

The result is a series of portraits that make every model – with their noses smashed sideways, their eyebrows raised unnaturally high, and their cheeks bulging in awkward places – look utterly unrecognizable.

‘I thought it would just be a fun side project but as it started to progress people really started to get into character and go over the top,’ Naman, a commercial photographer, told Wired.

He said he gets the best results in photos when he asks models to try and remove the tape with their face muscles.

'What I’m ultimately aiming for with my work is to create a catalyst to help people see the world a little differently,' Naman said

‘What I’m ultimately aiming for with my work is to create a catalyst to help people see the world a little differently,’ Naman said

‘What I’m ultimately aiming for with my work is to create a catalyst to help people see the world a little differently,’ he told the magazine. 

Naman, based in Albequerqe, New Mexico, said he has considered selling the Scotch Tape series to a plastic surgery office with a slogan like, ‘You can trust those guys or you can come here.’

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Photographer takes hilarious photos of models’ faces smashed and contorted by scotch tape

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