The Magogoni Fish Market management in Dar es Salaam has urged the government to help small-scale fishermen get better fishing gear for increased production.
Magogoni Fish Market
Market Manager, Mr Charles Kapongo, said in Dar es Salaam that most fishermen do not have modern fishing gear such as boats and outboard engines and so cannot fish in the deep sea. He said the situation was worse during the rainy season and when the sea got stormy as the two conditions scare fish from shallow waters.
“During the rainy season and when the sea is stormy most small-scale fishermen fail to catch enough fish due to the poor fishing gear they use, thus landing a poor catch. This causes scarcity of fish, leading to hiked fish prices,” he said.
A survey conducted by ‘Daily News’ found out that on rainy days fish at the market are fewer than usual and are sold at an exorbitant price. On Monday, for example, bigger fish were sold at 70,000/-, up from 50,000/-, while a bucket of sardines was sold at 10,000/-, up from usual price of 7,000/-. Mr Kapongo noted that the market also lacks modern fish processing and storage facilities.
“We almost solely depend on traditional ways of processing and preserving fish, such as drying fish in the sun. This is challenging, especially during the rainy season when the sun does not shine brightly enough,” he said. Kapongo added that the market lacked its own funds to undertake development plans, as all levies collected at the market are taken by the Ilala Municipal Council, owner of the market.
By HILDA MHAGAMA, Tanzania Daily News