Raymond Hull, father of 22 children by 11 women is ‘neighbour from hell who held wild boozy parties in his garden and lives life of luxury with BMW,…

A drug-dealing father of 22 children by 11 different women has been spared jail – so he can care for his latest child.

Raymond Hull

Raymond Hull’s 18-month sentence for being caught with a stash of cannabis was suspended by a judge so he could help his girlfriend Emma McNeil, 26, raise their seven-month-old son Barry.

The 58-year-old, who has not worked for ten years because of a bad back, said: ‘I just love kids.

‘I don’t regret anything, even though I don’t speak to them all. Some of them don’t even know I’m their dad.’

Hull also claimed he has never had to chase after women.

He added: ‘I’m easy going, they’re always chasing me.

‘I don’t know what it is about me, but I’m never short of offers.

‘It’s just my luck that every time I have a one-night stand, the girl ends up getting pregnant.

‘If it’s tidy, you don’t knock it back, do you?’

He continued: ‘I love the kids though, and if they want me involved in their lives, I’ll get involved. I’ve got a bad back so I can’t work – it must be from running round after all these kids all these years.’

Ms McNeil, who works in a bakery, has been with Hull for two years and said she was thrilled when she became pregnant.

‘He doesn’t have a lavish lifestyle. He puts everything back into the kids,’ she added.

Hull was arrested after police raided his home in May and discovered a stash of cannabis worth £350, Carlisle crown court heard.

Police examined his mobile phone and found a text message telling a customer there would be a delay in supplying drugs because of Barry’s birth.

It read: ‘Later on pal, Emma’s having the baby.’

Hull, of Springkell, Cumbria, suffers breathing problems, back pains and frequent chest infections, his solicitor Anthony Wilson said.

He had 31 previous convictions but none for drug dealing and claimed he used cannabis to deal with his medical condition, while selling to friends to cover costs.

Judge Paul Batty QC dismissed this as ‘a cock and bull’ story.

But he suspended an 18-month sentence ‘with some considerable hesitation’ for two years so Hull could look after the baby while his partner went back to work.

Hull was also placed under a curfew for six months and ordered to pay £200 from his benefits.

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