Royal baby: Silver coins to be minted for every child born on same day

Babies born on the same day as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first child will receive a free “lucky” silver penny, the Royal Mint has announced.

This photo issued by The Royal Mint on July 4, 2013 shows a new silver penny coin that will be awarded to newborns who share their birthday with Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. / AP

The penny, which will be presented in a pink or blue pouch, has been marked with the year 2013 to commemorate the babies’ year of birth and features a shield of the Royal Arms.

Parents of newborns who share their birthday with the third-in-line to the throne need to apply online for one of the 2,013 coins that have been struck by visiting

They will have 60 days following the arrival of the future monarch, which is expected in the next few weeks, to register for the coin and they will also need to provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate to qualify.

The Duchess, pictured with her husband Prince William earlier this month, is due to give birth next Saturday

Crossing the palm of a new born baby with silver or offering them a silver penny has traditionally been a way of wishing them wealth and health throughout his or her life.

Shane Bissett, director of commemorative coin at the Royal Mint, said: “The birth of the royal baby will be a joyous occasion not just for Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge but also for the whole nation, as we prepare to celebrate another remarkable milestone in their life journey together.

“However, it will also be a special day for many mothers and fathers across the country as they too welcome the arrival of their new baby, hence why we wanted to extend this historical moment to them with a lucky silver penny”.


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