The ‘Hunger Games’ actress gets to hug and interview her idol after nervously running away in her previous attempt to greet him.
Jennifer Lawrence was a startruck goofball when running into her favorite actor Jeff Bridges at the Comic-Con recently. While other stars tend to keep it cool, the Oscar-winning actress turned into an excited fangirl. Encouraged by a female companion, she gingerly approached him only to lose her nerves and run away before greeting him.
When the “Silver Linings Playbook” beauty saw Bridges and the TV crew noticed her, she braved herself and raced back to hug her idol who was actually in the middle of an interview. “Oh my God, I’m like your biggest fan, I’m so sorry,” she said flustered. “I’m so sorry for interrupting you, there’s cameras everywhere.”
Handed a microphone, “The Hunger Games” leading lady then took over the interview, asking Bridges, “What’s your favorite movie you’ve ever done?” She added, “Who’s your favorite character?” before not-so-subtly prodding him to say The Dude from his cult-classic movie “The Big Lebowski”, “Does it rhyme with ’The Shmude’?”
Bridges didn’t really answer her question, and instead discussed “Out of the Furnace”, a new film by his friend Scott Cooper who directed “Crazy Heart” for which Bridges won the Academy Award for Best Actor back in 2009. But Lawrence didn’t seem to mind, judging from her “Ok” sigh and “Oh, my God … ” exclaim.