State attorneys, prosecutors demand pay rise

State attorneys and state prosecutors have petitioned the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga demanding pay rise to reflect their workload.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga

They have also asked for exemption from taxation like their colleagues in the Justice Law and Order sector (JLOS).

In the petition handed over to the Speaker by the Vice President of Uganda Association of Prosecutors (UAP), Baxter Bakibinga they complained that the low salary they get, the ever rising cost of living and the delay in increasing their salaries has demoralized and humiliated them so much that they cannot afford basic necessities.

The petitioners also cited the challenge of heavy workload “which is not commensurate with they pay and sensitivity of matters handled where each prosecutor handles 705 cases a year.

They further pointed out that the inequality in emoluments compared to their counterparts in sister agencies such as Inspectorate of Government, Law Reform Commission and Uganda human rights Commission has resulted into strained relationship between the Directorate of Public Prosecution and its sister agencies.

They complained that there is lack of facilitation for prosecutors working in upcountry stations and hard to reach areas resulting in poor working conditions leading to inability of the office of DPP to execute its mandate.

“The petitioners pray that Parliament resolves that state attorney and state prosecutors’ salaries and emoluments are increased to reflect their workload and to bring them in line with their counterparts in other sister agencies like KCCA, IG, ULRC and Uganda Registration Services Bureau,” the petition handed over on Wednesday said. The petition was signed by 21 members.

For instance, they are proposing a gross monthly salary of  Deputy DPP of Sh20m from the current Sh2.9m and for the Senior Principal State Attorney, they want the gross monthly salary raised to Sh15m from Sh2m.

For a state attorney they are proposing Sh9m. State attorney are getting Sh1.1m. They want the gross monthly salary of a state prosecutor raised to Sh5m from Sh644,000.

The petitioners also asked government to increase the operational funds allocated to the DPP to enable it execute its mandate.

“The petitioners aver that they are at the forefront in the fight against crime and dutifully and ably prosecute various criminal cases such as petty theft, criminal trespass, corruption, white collar crimes, capital cases….” “Your petitioners prosecute these cases with utmost dedication,” they said.

UAP brings together over 300 prosecutors in the country, majority of who are employed in the Directorate of Public Prosecution as state attorneys and state prosecutors.

The Association was established to promote high standards and principles in the administration of criminal justice and human rights, among others.

By Joyce Namutebi, The New Vision

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