State speaks in defence of forests

The government has called upon environment stakeholders to support the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project which is tailored to curb deforestation in the country.

The Minister of State in the Vice- President’s Office, Environment, Dr Terezya Huviza.

This was said by the Minister of State in the Vice- President’s Office, Environment, Dr Terezya Huviza, in Dar es Salaam when officiating at a seminar on FMNR under World Vision-Tanzania.

She said that the project would help to bring multiple effects like watershed management, soil erosion control and agro- forestry. “This is in addition to other conventional ways of reforestation. This approach allows nature to regenerate itself like pruning which helps the growth of a tree,” she said.

Dr Huviza said that the approach would help the communities to access the carbon markets in the areas that are strategically fit. She also said that the approach is cost effective and affordable to everyone because it uses locally available resources.

“The approach is easy too because it does not need day to day watering of regenerated trees. It only requires the knowledge and commitment of stakeholders,” she said. The project is ongoing in five districts in the country. These are Same, Mpwawa, Manyoni, Kongwa and Bahi.

According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 37.7 per cent, which is equal to 33,428,000 hectares, in Tanzania is covered by forests. However, between 1990 and 2010, Tanzania lost an average of 403,350 hectares which is 0.97 per cent per year.

So, within ten years the country has lost 19.4 per cent of its forest cover which is equal to 8,067,000 hectare. However, Dr Huviza urged the countries which have not joined the Kyoto Protocol to join in order to fight climate change.

“I am requesting the countries which have not joined the Kyoto Protocol including Australia, Canada and US to join so that we fight together the issue of climate change,” She added.

The Kyoto Protocol is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international environmental treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

By SWAUM MUSTAPHER, Tanzania Daily News

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