Symantec Internet Security Threat Report Reveals Increase in Cyberespionage – Including Threefold Increase in Small Business Attacks

DUBAI, UAE, May 13, 2013/ Symantec Corp.’s (Nasdaq: SYMC) Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 18 (ISTR) today revealed a 42 percent surge during 2012 in targeted attacks compared to the prior year.

Sheldon Hand, Territory Manager, Indian Ocean Islands, West and Central Africa, Symantec

Designed to steal intellectual property, these targeted cyberespionage attacks are increasingly hitting the manufacturing sector as well as small businesses, which are the target of 31 percent of these attacks. In addition, consumers remain vulnerable to ransomware and mobile threats, particularly on the Android platform.

Top 30 countries in Africa in terms of their internet security threat profile:

Country Reports – Kenya:

“This year’s ISTR shows that cybercriminals aren’t slowing down, and they continue to devise new ways to steal information from organizations of all sizes,” said Sheldon Hand, territory manager, Indian Ocean Islands, West and Central Africa, Symantec. “The sophistication of attacks coupled with today’s IT complexities, such as virtualization, mobility and cloud, require organizations to remain proactive and use ‘defense in depth’ security measures to stay ahead of attacks.”

ISTR 18 Key Highlights Include:

Small Businesses Are the Path of Least Resistance

Targeted attacks on businesses with fewer than 250 employees are growing. Small businesses are now the target of 31 percent of all attacks, a threefold increase from 2011. While small businesses may feel they are immune to targeted attacks, cybercriminals are enticed by these organizations’ bank account information, customer data, intellectual property and the knowledge that they often lack adequate security practices and infrastructure.

Manufacturing Sector and Knowledge Workers Become Primary Targets

Shifting from governments, manufacturing has moved to the top of the list of industries targeted for attacks in 2012.  Often by going after manufacturing companies in the supply chain, attackers gain access to sensitive information of a larger company. In addition, in 2012 the most commonly targeted victims of these types of attacks were knowledge workers (27 percent) with access to intellectual property and those in sales (24 percent).

Mobile Malware Put Consumers and Businesses at Risk  

In 2012, mobile malware increased by 58 percent, and 32 percent of all mobile threats attempted to steal information, such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Android’s market share, its open platform and the multiple distribution methods available to distribute malicious apps, make it the go-to platform for attackers.

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