Dar es Salaam: The general election is scheduled to be held in October this year and campaigns have already begun. The CCM recently launched their part in Dar es Salaam.
It is hinted the Chadema will launch theirs this Saturday in Dar es Salaam too to propagate their policies to the people in the countdown to elections.
The CCM Union presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli has hit the ground in campaign vans to meet and talk to the public. Similarly his running mate Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan too has done the same to cruise upcountry.
Amid such situation when different political opinion is coming from different parties, it is important the campaigns are conducted decently and soberly along with keeping things on equal terms.
Until the election result comes all the parties and candidates are just competitors even though some of them are frontrunners. They need to make sure the name of the game is to be peace and peaceful elections.
Tanzania gained independence in 1961 and since then the country has been conducting multi-party election. This time eight parties will be participating in the presidential elections even though there are more than twenty registered parties.
Tanzania has been known for a peaceful crowd and the 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 multi-party elections were admirable. This time again it is time for the country to show to the world it can hold peaceful and decent elections in such a continent that is well experienced of turbulence either pre-poll or post-poll.