Tanzania: Cricketers begin residential training

Nineteen national women’s team members have already reported at the Muhimbili TCA Academy in Dar es Salaam to start residential training.

The Tanzania Cricket Association (TCA) coordinator Hamis Abdallah, told the ‘Daily News’ that only four players out of 23 are yet to report due to several reasons, including the national form four examinations.

The teams are training for the International Cricket Council (ICC) African U-19 Girls tournament and ICC Africa Senior Women tournament.

The ICC Africa U-19 Girls event that will feature six countries will be held in Dar es Salaam from December 7-9, while ICC Africa Senior Women tournament will take place in Uganda from December 14-16 this year with six countries taking part.

“We have already nine players out of 11 from Morogoro and we also wait for two from Arusha while all 10 players from Dar es Salaam are in camp,” Abdallah said. Last week the TCA named 23 players who are forming the two teams that are undergoing residential training at the Muhimbili TCA Academy.

The players were selected during the National Women’s Cricket Club Championship held at Butimba Teachers Training College ground in Mwanza recently.

Morogoro players already in camp are Monica Pascal, Fatuma Omari, Nasra Hamza, Latifa Juma, Mwajabu Huseni, Zena Hassani, Swaumu Salumu, Malizia Salumu and Halima Faustine Dar es Salaam players are Hawa Salumu, Asha Ibrahim, Shufaa Hamza, Hyroon Ramadhani, Shufaa Hamza, Ummy Heri, Winfrida Kelvin, Nadhifa Hamisi, Kandida Laurent and Hawa Hamisi. Two Morogoro players — Mwanaidi Ami and Tabu Saidi – and another two from Arusha — Getruda Leopard, and Aisha Mohamed – are expected to report by the end of the week. The two teams will undergo joint training before a final U-19 squad is selected. Abdallah said that some of the players who will feature in the African juniors will join the women’s senior team that will travel to Uganda later this month. He said they have decided to start training now so as to build a strong team that will be capable of winning the title.

By MBONILE BURTON, Tanzania Daily News

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