Tanzanian Govt advised to work on the youth employment challenge

The government of United Republic of Tanzania has been urged to work on unemployment challenge which has been facing Tanzanian youth so as to foster the national development.

Secondary School students discussing in class; It is believed that the system of education in Tanzania has not been preparing youth to depend on self-employment instead they wait for the employment opportunities.

Speaking to Mlimani TV of the University of Dar es Salaam, Acting General Secretary of Civic United Front (CUF), Mr Thomas Malima said the government has got good national policy of youth development but the implementation has been not effectively.

“I assure you, if you read the 2007 national policy of youth development, it is very good but I don’t see if the government has committed itself in fulfilling what has been written.

Malima insisted that if the system of education is restructured according to the challenges facing Tanzania in recent years there will be a big step in making sure self-employment is achieved to youth and other Tanzanians.

“Spoon feeding system of education is what makes youth nowadays wait for the government to employ them. If we have many V ETA schools actually we will be producing more professionals…nowadays we are producing graduates who must be employed.”

He insisted that the government should start as early as possible to increase VETA schools and restructure the teaching curriculum to fit the challenges encountering Tanzania.

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