The horrific moment that Denis Burakov dies after inflatable ball he was zorbing spins out of control and falls off a cliff at Russian ski resort

Denis Burakov, a father-of-two was killed in a terrible accident when a giant inflatable ball in which he and another man were rolling down a mountain plunged off a cliff at a ski-resort in southern Russia.

Denis Burakov, 27, was killed in a horrifying accident when a giant inflatable ball in which he and another man were rolling down a mountain plunged off a cliff. Pictured: Mr Burakov with his two daughters and his wife

Denis Burakov, 27, broke his neck and spine in the accident. The other man inside the ball, Vladimir Shcherbov, 33, was hospitalized with a concussion and lacerations then later released.

As you will see and hear in the video everyone appears to be in good spirits about the rolling ball as it is about to begin its decent down the mountain. When the ball reaches the bottom of the mountain the ball appears to pin ball around a bit and eventually roll down an embankment to the left where a cliff is.

In the final shot of the terrifying video the ball can be spin spinning out of control down a steep incline

Several people at the bottom of the hill attempt to stop the rolling ball but their attempts fall short.

Denis Burakov, 27, married with two young daughters, broke his neck and spine in the zorbing accident, say reports.

Source American Live Wire

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The horrific moment that Denis Burakov dies after inflatable ball he was zorbing spins out of control and falls off a cliff at Russian ski resort

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