On Monday, May 27 2013, DOT Rwanda signs an agreement with the Ministry of Youth and ICT to deliver its empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship programs through the Ministry’s Youth Empowerment for Global Opportunity (YEGO) centres reaching out to Rwandan youth across the country.
Minister Nsengimana (R) signs on behalf of the Ministry of Youth and ICT and DOT CEO and President, Janet Longmore (L) who is visiting the country, on behalf of DOT Rwanda
The YEGO centres operate under the Ministry of Youth and ICT and were set up to serve the youth by running various programs that tackle the socio economic development issues that youth face such as unemployment and lack of skills. These centres are equipped with ICT facilities that are opened to youth for training often offered free of charge.
Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana signs on behalf of the Ministry of Youth and ICT and DOT CEO and President, Janet Longmore who is visiting the country, on behalf of DOT Rwanda.
Janet Longmore “Our key focus is to ensure that we engage Youth we train them with appropriate digital skills and entrepreneurship and employability skills and ready to empower them with a mind shift to that is there positive opportunities to create more jobs.”
DOT Rwanda has been a major contributor to the capacity building of youth in Rwanda since 2010 where through its signature economic empowerment programs it has served over 30,000 youth with technology and entrepreneurship skills.
Minister Nsengimana said that “What we wish is that through this partnership we can see the work of DOT Rwanda and DOT World going on next level, let’s be ambitious, let’s target big numbers, let’s understand that the demand is much higher than what we currently are able to offer but let’s really work together but I believe it’s possible to achieve it.”
DOT Rwanda will engage its interns to train youth and women who are from the communities across Rwanda. These program beneficiaries will go on to be connected to follow up services under the YEGOs Employability, Entrepreneurship and Youth Placement Programs namely apprenticeships and job skills development, business mentorships, financial access services and job information systems.
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) is an innovator in enabling people to access and apply information and communications technologies (ICT) to create educational, economic and entrepreneurial opportunities.