Two Melbourne School Girls Rumored Linked To Tanzanian Males On Trip

Each year students from the prestigious girls school in Kew, east Melbourne, are taken to Tanzania trip to raise funds for poor students at St Judes in Arusha.

This year two girls from Methodist Ladies’ College, MLC, are reported to have been disciplined after the Africa trip that took place last month.

The school didn’t disclose the misdemeanour of the two students, but Herald Sun reports the girls have been romantically linked at the school in Arusha with two males.

MLC spokesperson Jane Grji said as the students were on school tour, the school rules apply and moreover all of them had clear understanding of expectations of behavior.

She added further two of their students breached the code of behavior while being in the African nation and disciplinary procedures are enforced to help the students take care of those aspects of their behavior.

Meanwhile, the reference to the incident has taken up social media fever with involvement of circles from nearby private schools. Dailymail writes, citing an unnamed MLC student, the students have not been reprimanded as they have neither been suspended nor expelled from school.

Privacy has been maintained and names of the two girls have not been disclosed by the school authority.

The MLC students have been visiting the second-largest economy of East Africa since 2010 for the purpose of raising donations to support poor students with free education.

The spokesperson added MLC students took part in community based learning experience and had to visit the Tanzanian students. She said students engaging themselves with families and local community was also required in the foreign sooil.