Ugandan MPs for ipad training

Parliament has moved fast to ease worries of legislators struggling to grasp applications on their ipads, with training sessions by its IT department under the auspices of the Institute for Parliamentary Studies (IPS)set to be conducted soon.

Parliament last week gave all the 375 legislators I pads in a major policy shift Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, thinks will see the institution significantly reduce its colossal expenditure on stationery.

Kadaga told MPs that all reports of parliament will henceforth be received in soft copy, in fulfillment of perennial recommendations by the ICT committee which has questioned the rationale of government annually expending over sh30b on stationery and courier services.

However, apprehension about ipads turning into white elephants, with many MPs hardly grasping their applications, have forced parliament to schedule training for a section of legislators who are not tech savvy.

“The IPS and out IT department will conduct this training,” Parliament’s public relations officer, Helen Kawesa said earlier today, adding; “It will take place either next week or early next year.”

The Vice chairperson of the ICT Committee, Vicent Bagiire, is in support of the training, saying; “ It makes no sense to give people I pads, yet some of them don’t know how to use them.

The purchase of ipads for MPs at sh1b has proved a polarizing issue with civil society questioning the rationale of buying such gadgets for people who can afford them.

By Moses Walubiri, The New Vision

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