Hundreds and thousands of Rwandans were killed in 1994, between April and July, in the country and it was the most rapid genocide ever recorded. The incidence has been compared with the Nazi Holocaust in its surreal brutality.
The murdering were conducted with simple tools like herding the people into buildings and setting them aflame with kerosene. The murder weapons used were as simple as clubs, machetes and other blunt objects.
The victims were mostly the minority Tutsi ethnicity people and the murderers belonged to the majority Hutus.
Couple of years before the genocide took place, Rwandan Patriotic Front (fRPF) rebel group invaded the country setting up camps in the northern mountains. Uganda was involved in training them and supporting with arms continuously. This was in fact violation of the UN charter, Organization of African Unity rules, several peace agreements, various Rwandan ceasefire and promises of the Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni.
The US embassy in Kampala on its part is learned to have been aware of the cross-border weapons movement and also the growing military strength of the rebels that would lead to widespread ethnic violence.
United States ignored Uganda’s assistance to the rebels as well as increased military and development aid to Museveni, who was again also hailed as a peacemaker during the genocide period.
The RPF rebels were the Tutsi refugees who were displaced in the early 1960s. In late 1990 they gathered in thousands in a football stadium, about 20 miles from the Rwandan border, in western Uganda.