Watch dad lip-syncing to his daughter’s tantrum as hilarious video goes viral

Temper tantrums aren’t much fun for anyone within earshot as a young child screams itself hoarse because it isn’t getting its own way or is tired or irritable or simply wants attention.

After starting out merely winey, the girls decides to turn things up a notch after hearing the rest of the family make light of her tantrum and dare to laugh at her

When everything else had failed, one set of parents recently decided to have some fun when their six-year-old daughter refused to stop screaming at the top of her lungs.

The hilarious results were posted on YouTube by mom Kathy Sterner, who wrote: ‘My 6-year-old daughter had been in her room wigging out for about an hour, and there was no talking her down.

‘I was getting fed up, so my husband decided to lighten the mood.’

The video consists of Ms Sterner’s husband standing in their kitchen reacting and lip-synching along to the screams of his daughter in the next room.

The unnamed daughter can be heard screaming ‘mom listen to me!’ while her father seeks to lighten the mood for the rest of the family by reacting to her squeals of annoyance.

The lip-synch is well done and the father even adds some accurate facial features to go along with the tantrum, two boys – perhaps older brothers – wander into shot and are clearly enjoying his performance.

But all this hilarity isn’t the reaction that the young girl had hoped for and so she decides to turn things up a notch by screaming ‘stop laughing at me’ at an even higher volume.

Dad’s movements and mannerisms become even more exaggerated as his daughter completely losses her cool.

Before you jump to the wrong conclusions about the family and their offspring, Ms Sterner is quick point out that her daughter is not typically a beastly child.

‘She’s actually a pretty awesome little kid who was having a rough day,’ she wrote.

One commentator on YouTube asked how come her husband was able to so accurately mimic his daughter’s screams.

Ms Sterner explained that because the girl had been screaming the same thing over and over for an hour, it wasn’t exactly too that hard to anticipate what was going to come next.

‘We could hear her take a breath when she was about to start up again,’ she explained.

‘The “Stop laughing at me!” was a new and unexpected twist, and he went with it. He’s a pretty good actor, and was big into improv when he was younger.’

The video has already been watched more than 560,000 times since it was posted on October 11 and has attracted over 3,800 likes.


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