Water supply in rural areas to use solar power

The government is setting up a plan that would enable the supply of water through solar power in the remote areas, the Minister of Water Prof Jumanne Maghembe has said.

Minister for Water, Prof Jumanne Maghembe

He made the revelation in Dar es Salaam on Thursday evening during the commemoration to mark 30 years of WaterAid Organization in Tanzania.

“We are piloting the use of solar and renewable energy water pumping system in rural areas mostly in areas with no electricity,” he said.

The Minister noted that the aim is to help water sustainability in rural areas aimed at reducing high prices of pumping power by using fuel. In line with that, Prof Maghembe said that the government has set up a 1.3tr/- water programme that would ensure delivery of enough clean water and sanitation in Dar es Salaam and other regions in the country.

He said the programme is within a three-year framework set to ensure full coverage of water supply in the urban and rural areas. The implementation of the programme is set to start in this financial year.

He named some of the areas to benefit from the programme as Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Mara, Mwanza Tabora and Dodoma regions.

Meanwhile Prof Magembe has called on the WaterAid Organization to come up with a programme that would bring together youth in Districts to respond to rural water rehabilitations.

“I also welcome you to bring your experiences, expertise and innovations for our effective delivery on the targets set and therefore achieving our MKUKUTA and MDGs for water and Sanitation and other related sectors,” he said.

With the theme ‘Supporting the sector to improve water access to poor communities’ Mr Magembe commended the organization for the massive contribution made to address key challenges in the WASH sector.

“Your efforts in providing access to water and sanitation services in Tanzania are well received by the government,” he said.

On the other hand, the Organization Country Director Dr Ibrahim Kabole said that the organization’s aim is to ensure the whole country receives an access to sanitation and clean water. He, however, said that some of the challenges facing the organization was lack of strong partnership and sustainability.

By ANNE ROBI, Tanzania Daily News

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