Wild Elephants In Dozens Raided Five Villages In Northern Tanzania

Fear and danger is everywhere in the Monduli district as herd of wild elephants has invaded five villages on Sunday. The authorities have been informed and people are now waiting for alternative measures to be taken.

The villages which are raided by about 43 elephants are Naiti, Mbuyuni, Kilimasie, Bwawani and Moita.

Loserian Kimbele, Nalarami Ward Executive Officer, said fear and panic have been spread across the five villages after the wild animal invaded the area and destroyed 43 hectares of crops.

With the crop devastation the elephants are posing a serious threat to the lives of people in the area.

As of now no casualities has been reported and this has been confirmed by the Monduli District Commissioner, Iddi Kamata, who also said game rangers are put to work to chase the wild elephants to the protected areas.

He further said the herd has either strayed from Tarangire National Park or from the Lake Manyara National Park as both the sanctuaries are near to the district.

The District Commissioner added the animals raided Naiti, Mbuyuni, Kilimasie, Bwawani and Moita districts, and wildlife officers are trying to assess the impact in the area with the help of department of agriculture.

He continued that the wild elephants have destroyed over 40 hectares of farms in Naralami village.

Villagers meanwhile said the elephants have been raiding the area for past one week and authorities have failed to take action even after being informed.

A village woman and mother of six Tellosa Saning’o said, “Most of our farms have been affected with the elephants. Nothing has been left in the farms.”